Sunday, September 30, 2007

September's Synopsis

Another month, another blog; I think this is the start of a record for me! We did end up taking the girls to the State Fair, and I agree with Michelle that the county fair is probably a better option for next year.

September ended up being a very busy month. As I take down the month's church calendar to put up October's, I notice that there was only one open space on the calendar-September 3rd (Labor Day). It has definitely been a good month though.

The week of September 9th we had evangelistic meetings at our church with the Herbster team; they were such a blessing with their special music and practical messages. This is the second time we have had them at our church and look forward to the next time they can come back.

September 10th was a big day for Morgan; she started pre-school! It is only 2 hours a day/2 days a week, but she loves it and it gives me a small window of opportunity to do errands with only one child. Grocery shopping has become a much more pleasant experience, and I think Madisen enjoys the one on one time, even if she is in the shopping cart.

Last week, David was at Camp Joy with the high school students. Remember Camp Joy, fellow Woodcrest classmates? It sounds like it has changed quite a bit from when we were there. He said they now have horseback riding, a boat, etc.-none of which I remember being available. The special speaker for the week was Ken Sparks (married to Heidi Jensen, also a Woodcrest grad), and he did a phenominal job. David said there were many decisions made, so we are praying that the decisions last and that they impact the student body as a whole.

While David was away, I spent the week "fall cleaning". The only task I was able to completely mark off of my "to do" list for the week was steam cleaning the carpet, as it took me a day to move furniture/stuff off the carpet, a day to actually steam clean, a day for the carpet to dry, a day to put all the furniture/stuff back, and finally a day to try to get all the regular chores done! I'm just thankful David didn't see my long list, or he would have had a big laugh at how little I actually got done. The one positive from the experience was that the week flew by for me : ) The girls didn't fare as well and asked every night when daddy was coming home. Since he was not expected home until Friday night, I took the girls to a local nursery/farm that was sponsering free kids activities. The girls had a blast taking a tractor ride, going on a gourd hunt, eating popcorn with hot apple cider and roasting marshmellows over a bonfire. Proof yet again that some of the best experiences in life are free.

The girls waiting for their tractor ride.
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Taking a break to eat some popcorn.
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The great gourd hunt!
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