Sunday, September 30, 2007

September's Synopsis

Another month, another blog; I think this is the start of a record for me! We did end up taking the girls to the State Fair, and I agree with Michelle that the county fair is probably a better option for next year.

September ended up being a very busy month. As I take down the month's church calendar to put up October's, I notice that there was only one open space on the calendar-September 3rd (Labor Day). It has definitely been a good month though.

The week of September 9th we had evangelistic meetings at our church with the Herbster team; they were such a blessing with their special music and practical messages. This is the second time we have had them at our church and look forward to the next time they can come back.

September 10th was a big day for Morgan; she started pre-school! It is only 2 hours a day/2 days a week, but she loves it and it gives me a small window of opportunity to do errands with only one child. Grocery shopping has become a much more pleasant experience, and I think Madisen enjoys the one on one time, even if she is in the shopping cart.

Last week, David was at Camp Joy with the high school students. Remember Camp Joy, fellow Woodcrest classmates? It sounds like it has changed quite a bit from when we were there. He said they now have horseback riding, a boat, etc.-none of which I remember being available. The special speaker for the week was Ken Sparks (married to Heidi Jensen, also a Woodcrest grad), and he did a phenominal job. David said there were many decisions made, so we are praying that the decisions last and that they impact the student body as a whole.

While David was away, I spent the week "fall cleaning". The only task I was able to completely mark off of my "to do" list for the week was steam cleaning the carpet, as it took me a day to move furniture/stuff off the carpet, a day to actually steam clean, a day for the carpet to dry, a day to put all the furniture/stuff back, and finally a day to try to get all the regular chores done! I'm just thankful David didn't see my long list, or he would have had a big laugh at how little I actually got done. The one positive from the experience was that the week flew by for me : ) The girls didn't fare as well and asked every night when daddy was coming home. Since he was not expected home until Friday night, I took the girls to a local nursery/farm that was sponsering free kids activities. The girls had a blast taking a tractor ride, going on a gourd hunt, eating popcorn with hot apple cider and roasting marshmellows over a bonfire. Proof yet again that some of the best experiences in life are free.

The girls waiting for their tractor ride.
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Taking a break to eat some popcorn.
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The great gourd hunt!
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Summer Highlights

It doesn't seem possible that summer is almost over, but the MN State Fair starts tomorrow and Labor Day is just around the corner. The girls and I spent much of the summer swimming, going to garage sales and playing.

The big outing in June was strawberry picking at Berry Hill Farm. The girls had a blast, and I'm afraid Madisen ate more than she put in her bucket! I tried my hand at making strawberry jam, and it actually went better than expected so we will be "enjoying" jam for many months to come.
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In July, we went camping over the 4th of July weekend at our friends' property near Backus. This was my fourth time sleeping in a tent, and I can't say that I liked it any better than the three previous times :) The girls had a blast, though, and we were able to ride on the 4-wheeler, go for boat rides on the pontoon, swim in the lake and make smores in the evenings. The weather turned out to be beautiful-not too hot and no rain, so I was very thankful for that! We were also able to visit the Claypool's, and it was great seeing them again. The girls fell in love with Megan, especially after she took them for a ride on her horse-Cochise. (We had a hard time convincing Morgan when we got home that we would not be able to keep a horse in our backyard, too.)

Morgan, Megan & Cochise
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Madisen waiting for her turn on Cochise
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Since David's teacher in service began August 15th, he took Monday and Tuesday off for one more family outing. We were able to go to Duluth for an overnight and even stay at the Sheraton, a new hotel in downtown Duluth. Thank-you, priceline : ) Most of the time there was spent at Canal Park, where the girls fed the sea gulls, "skipped" rocks into Superior, and watched some big ships go under the lift bridge.

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Morgan climbed this big anchor and that couldn't get down!
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After Duluth, we took the girls to the Children's Museum, which I highly recommend. There is so much to do there, and they are always chaging around the exhibits. Morgan's favorite part was getting to mop the porch in the outdoor play area, and Madisen's was catching rubber fish in her net.

Having fun at the sand table.
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We are looking forward to going to the State Fair this Friday; it is always one of the highlights of the summer for us. I may even do a blog about our fair experience, but I'm not making any promises : )

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Look Who's Two!

Today, our "baby" Madisen turned two! I hope you don't mind if I reiminsce a little about the day she was born. On Saturday (the 14th), I had felt off all day, but it wasn't until that evening that I knew that Madisen was on the way. We dropped Morgan off at my parent's and then walked around Target for a while. The walking didn't speed things along any, so we went back home where David thought he would grab a couple hours of sleep and I tried watching a Lamaze class on video since I had never taken any classes. Finally about 1 am, we checked into the hospital, and I requested an epidural. Madisen was born around noon on Sunday, and my dad was actually the first visitor to see her. We are so thankful for the girls God has blessed us with. Happy Birthday, Madisen; we love you!

Junior-Senior Banquet

Last Friday night, David and I had the opportunity to attend the WBA Junior-Senior Banquet at Majestic Oaks golf course. (David was asked to be the speaker) This year's seniors hold a special place for David as they were his first seventh grade class when he started teaching at Woodcrest. It has been great seeing them grow and mature these past six years, and we are praying for God's blessings as they graduate in two weeks.

Attending the banquet brought back many memories! I even looked for my Senior will but it was nowhere to be found. I did find some old pictures, which I hope you enjoy!

1989 Junior/Senior girls (front row: Breanna, Marcy, Heidi, Andrea, Michelle, Amy, Sheila, Jenny. back row: Shannon, me, Natasha)
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1990 Junior/Senior girls (Nikki, me, Teresa, Michelle, Andrea, Dana, Amy, Kim, Dawn, Becky, Kelly, Stephanie)
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Our Resident Artists

Lately, the girls have really started to enjoy coloring. It is nice to be able to leave them at the kitchen counter with crayons and coloring books and go do other things like the laundry! Here are their two latest "creations". The first one is a collaborative effort. Madisen "drew/colored" the body, and Morgan did the head and green "top". Can you guess who it is? Morgan's favorite Disney character, Ariel! (I think the green top is supposed to represent the seashells Ariel wears.)

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The second picture is one Morgan colored in Eager Beavers.
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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easter Activities

Despite the cold weather this weekend, we managed to have a wonderful Easter weekend. On Saturday, the girls and I headed up to Rainbow Foods for a very early candy hunt. The grocery store even provided juice and donuts after the hunt was over! Then we headed back home to pick up David and head for our second hunt for the day at the local middle school. This is the second year we have gone on this hunt, and the church that hosts it does a very nice job. The girls had their face painted, a picture taken with the Easter bunny, a skit about the servants and the talents and the egg hunt itself. Saturday evening, we dyed Easter eggs-I was too busy making sure there were no spills to take pictures :) Sunday morning before church, the girls looked for Easter eggs around the living room. Although everything was fun, we look forward to when the girls realize the sacrifice Christ made for each of us and trust Him as their Saviour!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Visiting with Family & Friends

Last weekend, we had the opportunity to visit David's sister Kristi and her family (a big thanks to Steve's parents for opening their home up to us). It was a full house, too! There was Steve and Kristi with their 2 boys; David and I with our 2 girls; Steve's sister and her 3 kids; Steve's brother and, of course, his parents. It was great catching up with everyone and getting to know our nephews, Jacob and Isaac. Saturday, we took a tour of Maranatha's campus; it certainly has changed since David went to school there! The girls had a blast playing outside and playing with all the "boy" toys. It certainly is great being able to spend time with family.

This weekend, David's childhood friend Jim and his family came up for a visit. Friday night, they had fun looking through old pictures and swapping stories. We spent Saturday at the Mall of America, where the kids enjoyed playing at LegoLand, David played a few holes of mini golf and the adults managed to sneak in a little shopping along the way. Good friends are a blessing!

Since we are on the topic of visiting, are any of you fellow bloggers going to Maranatha the weekend of April 20th? If so, we hope to see you there!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

March Mayhem

Two posts in one day-can you believe it? Well, March definitely came in like a lion! The first of March started with 14" of snow, and David got his first snow day of the school year on Friday. The girls had a blast with daddy home, and we spent part of the day playing around in all the snow.

Morgan doesn't look too happy here
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Baby, it's cold outside!
Feb 07 003

March 8th was a long awaited day in our house. After going 3 1/2 months without a working oven, we finally bought a new range. It has been fun to once again be able to bake treats, rolls and casseroles. The interesting thing through this whole process is how much you can actually make without an oven!

Madisen gave us some excitement Monday night. While running through the living room, she tripped and fell headlong into the computer desk. An immediate goose egg appeared on her forehead. I sure am thankful about how resilient kids are, because she has had no side effects (other than probably a big headache!) and is back to trying to keep up with her sister.

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Will try to better job and keeping things current, and thanks to all of you who do!

February Reflections

What can I say? A couple of weeks went by and we didn't post anything. A couple weeks turned into several weeks and now it is almost the middle of March! Thinking back on the month of February, the following events stand out:
*WBA basketball games, including the MACS tournament where the boys took 3rd and the girls took 2nd;
*the church Sweetheart Banquet, where David and I were able to enjoy spending time with some of the newlyweds and to enjoy some Famous Dave's BBQ
*my grandfather's triple bypass heart surgery and subsequent surgery to install a pacemaker (he is doing very well considering and is currently undergoing physical therapy 2 days a week)
*Sunday, the 25th-the first time I can remember that the Sunday morning service was cancelled due to snow!
*Morgan's 4th birthday on the 28th. I was actually induced on the 27th, but she was not in any hurry to arrive. Around 2:30 on the 28th, the doctor decided to deliver her via c-section. Our lives were definetly changed from that moment onward, and we cannot imagine our family without her in it! We had planned her party for March 1st so that the extended family could be there. Well, of course, the biggest snowstorm of the season swept through dumping approximately 14" on us before it was over. It was very difficult trying to explain to a four year old why we had to reschedule the party, but she took it pretty well. The following Monday brought grandma and grandpa, great-grandma and grandpa and Uncle Chris and Aunt Angie over to celebrate a "Little Mermaid" themed birthday party.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Where has January gone?

Wow, I can't believe that January is almost over! I'm just now including video of Morgan opening her present from grandma and grandpa Martens-sorry it to so long to figure out how to do it!

There is not much exciting going on around here right now. Basketball season is in full swing, so David is usually gone at least 2 nights a week. The girls (me included) miss him alot. I took the girls by school so they would at least get to see daddy for a little bit today. As we pulled into the parking lot, Madisen exclaimed from the back seat "daddy's home!" I'm not sure what she meant by that but I will be very thankful when basketball is over and he can be home more in the evenings.

Also wanted to say "thank-you" to those of how who have posted inspirational blogs in the past couple of weeks, they have been a big blessing!

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