Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Our Resident Artists

Lately, the girls have really started to enjoy coloring. It is nice to be able to leave them at the kitchen counter with crayons and coloring books and go do other things like the laundry! Here are their two latest "creations". The first one is a collaborative effort. Madisen "drew/colored" the body, and Morgan did the head and green "top". Can you guess who it is? Morgan's favorite Disney character, Ariel! (I think the green top is supposed to represent the seashells Ariel wears.)

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The second picture is one Morgan colored in Eager Beavers.
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SturgillMom said...

Carla, that is so cute. Our kids love coloring too, but I am not so brave to have MARKERS in the house. That is an awesome picture that Morgan colored in Eager Beavers. Usually they get so rushed in church that pictures are pretty scary looking or not finished.

Jill said...

Better save them! They'll probably be worth millions someday. :) I love the Ariel drawing.

2Icecubed said...

Looks like you have quite the artists living with you!!! Best invention ever made for little artists...the Color Wonder line of markers, paints, etc. We have had our share of art on the wall and now Luke only gets the Color Wonder!!!