Monday, March 26, 2007

Visiting with Family & Friends

Last weekend, we had the opportunity to visit David's sister Kristi and her family (a big thanks to Steve's parents for opening their home up to us). It was a full house, too! There was Steve and Kristi with their 2 boys; David and I with our 2 girls; Steve's sister and her 3 kids; Steve's brother and, of course, his parents. It was great catching up with everyone and getting to know our nephews, Jacob and Isaac. Saturday, we took a tour of Maranatha's campus; it certainly has changed since David went to school there! The girls had a blast playing outside and playing with all the "boy" toys. It certainly is great being able to spend time with family.

This weekend, David's childhood friend Jim and his family came up for a visit. Friday night, they had fun looking through old pictures and swapping stories. We spent Saturday at the Mall of America, where the kids enjoyed playing at LegoLand, David played a few holes of mini golf and the adults managed to sneak in a little shopping along the way. Good friends are a blessing!

Since we are on the topic of visiting, are any of you fellow bloggers going to Maranatha the weekend of April 20th? If so, we hope to see you there!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

March Mayhem

Two posts in one day-can you believe it? Well, March definitely came in like a lion! The first of March started with 14" of snow, and David got his first snow day of the school year on Friday. The girls had a blast with daddy home, and we spent part of the day playing around in all the snow.

Morgan doesn't look too happy here
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Baby, it's cold outside!
Feb 07 003

March 8th was a long awaited day in our house. After going 3 1/2 months without a working oven, we finally bought a new range. It has been fun to once again be able to bake treats, rolls and casseroles. The interesting thing through this whole process is how much you can actually make without an oven!

Madisen gave us some excitement Monday night. While running through the living room, she tripped and fell headlong into the computer desk. An immediate goose egg appeared on her forehead. I sure am thankful about how resilient kids are, because she has had no side effects (other than probably a big headache!) and is back to trying to keep up with her sister.

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Will try to better job and keeping things current, and thanks to all of you who do!

February Reflections

What can I say? A couple of weeks went by and we didn't post anything. A couple weeks turned into several weeks and now it is almost the middle of March! Thinking back on the month of February, the following events stand out:
*WBA basketball games, including the MACS tournament where the boys took 3rd and the girls took 2nd;
*the church Sweetheart Banquet, where David and I were able to enjoy spending time with some of the newlyweds and to enjoy some Famous Dave's BBQ
*my grandfather's triple bypass heart surgery and subsequent surgery to install a pacemaker (he is doing very well considering and is currently undergoing physical therapy 2 days a week)
*Sunday, the 25th-the first time I can remember that the Sunday morning service was cancelled due to snow!
*Morgan's 4th birthday on the 28th. I was actually induced on the 27th, but she was not in any hurry to arrive. Around 2:30 on the 28th, the doctor decided to deliver her via c-section. Our lives were definetly changed from that moment onward, and we cannot imagine our family without her in it! We had planned her party for March 1st so that the extended family could be there. Well, of course, the biggest snowstorm of the season swept through dumping approximately 14" on us before it was over. It was very difficult trying to explain to a four year old why we had to reschedule the party, but she took it pretty well. The following Monday brought grandma and grandpa, great-grandma and grandpa and Uncle Chris and Aunt Angie over to celebrate a "Little Mermaid" themed birthday party.