Wednesday, March 14, 2007

March Mayhem

Two posts in one day-can you believe it? Well, March definitely came in like a lion! The first of March started with 14" of snow, and David got his first snow day of the school year on Friday. The girls had a blast with daddy home, and we spent part of the day playing around in all the snow.

Morgan doesn't look too happy here
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Baby, it's cold outside!
Feb 07 003

March 8th was a long awaited day in our house. After going 3 1/2 months without a working oven, we finally bought a new range. It has been fun to once again be able to bake treats, rolls and casseroles. The interesting thing through this whole process is how much you can actually make without an oven!

Madisen gave us some excitement Monday night. While running through the living room, she tripped and fell headlong into the computer desk. An immediate goose egg appeared on her forehead. I sure am thankful about how resilient kids are, because she has had no side effects (other than probably a big headache!) and is back to trying to keep up with her sister.

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Will try to better job and keeping things current, and thanks to all of you who do!


Schoonover Family said...

Very cute pictures of the girls and the birthday party. I want to thank Dave again for all his wonderful help this basketball season, and I want to thank Carla and the girls for letting me "steal time" from you with him.


Jill said...

Oh that goose egg looks terrible! That picture is so funny - she's got the big knot on her head and a huge smile on her face. Your kids are so cute.

2Icecubed said...

Don't those goose eggs just make your stomach flip? We have seen our fair share of those! Your girls are just beautiful!~just like their mommy!

SturgillMom said...

I am always so surprised at how gigantic those goose eggs can get without breaking through the skin. A very wise relative (my sister!) told me that if you rub veg.oil on a bump right away, it won't bruise. Well, I have to admit, that usually I am so busy getting the ice that I forget to get the veg. oil. BTW - your girls are adorable!