Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Look Who's Two!

Today, our "baby" Madisen turned two! I hope you don't mind if I reiminsce a little about the day she was born. On Saturday (the 14th), I had felt off all day, but it wasn't until that evening that I knew that Madisen was on the way. We dropped Morgan off at my parent's and then walked around Target for a while. The walking didn't speed things along any, so we went back home where David thought he would grab a couple hours of sleep and I tried watching a Lamaze class on video since I had never taken any classes. Finally about 1 am, we checked into the hospital, and I requested an epidural. Madisen was born around noon on Sunday, and my dad was actually the first visitor to see her. We are so thankful for the girls God has blessed us with. Happy Birthday, Madisen; we love you!


Schoonover Family said...

Congratulations! We have enjoyed watching your two girls grow up. It is hard to believe that she is two already!

2Icecubed said...

What a beautiful little girl! Happy birthday, Madisen!! Those pics were adorable!! I can't believe how dark her hair was at birth and how much it has changed in color~amazing!:)

SturgillMom said...

Sorry I'm a little late, but she sure is a cutie!

Those pictures below of the Jr/Sr. Banquet are so funny. We sure were into big hair, weren't we? :)