Monday, December 25, 2006

First Snowfall of the Season

On Thursday afternoon, we had our first snowfall of the season. It was beautiful with big snowflakes, the perfect kind of snow for building snowmen! So while I was out rushing around with last minute shopping, David and the girls built a snowman in the front yard. We didn't have any carrots, so "Frosty" ended up with a celery nose instead. David also built a tiny snowhill and pulled the girls around in the yard and over the hill. It was all fun and games until Madisen got hurt. (I will let David relay the rest of the story...)

I was pulling the girls up the driveway, which was very slick, on their plastic tobbagon and then whipping them around at the top. This worked very well and they loved it, until something terrible happened. I did not judge the distance from the back of the car to the back of Madisen's head. Of course, this is not a usual occurrence as usually I have perfect timing in all areas of life, especially when it comes to my silver tongue. Well, it was too late. I was going at a pretty good pace and came to the top of the drive to fling them around and "bam" Madisen bonked her head on my priceless 93 Olds Cutlass Ciera. I picked her up quickly and held her. Mommy was convinced that I gave her the shiner on her forehead, but I think that happened the time she did a face plant on the driveway. She was not used to being bundled up in all her snow gear so walking was a challenge for her as it is for her mother. Just ask Carla about her relationship with stairs, especially while in college! They are pretty "close" (if you know what I mean). The kids had fun, and mommy came home just before frostbite had settled in the girls' fingers. That is right, mommy had left all of the mittens in the car, and I did not care if they wore them or not. I was sure they needed to get outside right away, before the snow melted. It was a fun experience for us all. Oh, Morgan and I also got in a snowball fight and managed to get each other pretty good. We are so thankful to have a white Christmas after all!


Jill said...

Hope Madisen is healing nicely! Mean old Daddy! :) Thanks for your adorable Christmas picture. Hope you all had a nice Christmas and happy new year!

2Icecubed said...

I am so jealous you had some snow! We have yet to see much of anything white. All we keep getting is rain and more rain!!! We have flooded fields all around us. Wish we could have seen more of each other over Christmas. It was way too short of a time home. Love looking at your blog. Your girls are beautiful! Michelle

SturgillMom said...

Cute pictures, you guys! Thanks for the warning...I'm not going to ever going sledding with you! :)

docmart said...

THe girls are sooooo beautiful! They must get their good looks from their grandparents! Ha! Love to you all. Grandpa & Grandma Martens